
Thank you for your commitment to make a Just Economy a national priority and a local reality. That’s the heart of our work at NCRC, and we couldn’t do it without the collective power and involvement of our members and allies across the nation. 

Today, as the year winds down and you wrap up your end-of-year giving plans, I’m asking you to keep that vision in mind and show your support by making a donation to NCRC.
Donate now
NCRC fights every day to expand opportunities for people of color, women and low- and moderate-income families to build wealth and live well. We work year-round to close the racial wealth divide, reduce inequality, and end discrimination in lending and housing. Your participation in our programs, campaigns, training and events over the past year was essential to our collective impact in DC and in communities across the nation.

For instance, today we learned of a huge victory - the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has fully rescinded its harmful 2020 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) rule.

With you, we’re building a Just Economy, and we can’t do it alone.

Make a donation today to support NCRC’s work to make a Just Economy a national priority and a local reality.

With gratitude,

Andrew Nachsion
Cheif Communications & Marketing Officer
Copyright © 2021 NCRC, All rights reserved.
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