John --
This morning we launched our first ad of the
2020 campaign cycle. The ad, called “Shanda,” criticizes leading
Democrats for turning their backs on Israel and threatening to cut US
aid to our closest ally.
The ad will be up in battleground
states over the next two weeks. But with your help, we can keep
reaching out to pro-Israel, persuadable Jewish voters in states like
Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio - states that will determine if the
most pro-Israel President in history, Donald Trump, gets four more
Watch the ad and decide for
yourself if you will chip in to
keep the ad running:

The radical Left has taken the
reins of the Democrat Party, and their policy proposals will devastate
our national security, our alliance with Israel, our economy, and our
health care system.
We’re fighting for Republican
candidates because Jewish Americans – our families, our businesses,
our elderly, our children – will bear the impact of the policies that
far-left Democrats are pushing if they succeed in next year’s
election. Will you help us
defeat the radical Left?
This isn’t our parents’ Democrat
Party anymore.
What’s happening to the Democrat
Party is a disgrace, a shanda, and a potential disaster for our
community. We want American Jewish voters to understand what’s at
stake in November of 2020. Look for much more from the RJC in the
months ahead.

Thank you,
Matt Brooks
RJC Executive Director
P.S. Did you see Donald Trump Jr.'s tweet about the ad last night?
The Trump's see what we are doing and are 100% behind our efforts.
They sure would appreciate your help:

[email protected]
If you like the work we’re doing, consider joining us on
Facebook and Twitter, and renew or upgrade your RJC
membership. Ensure that your voice is heard in our party
and our community!