
You do not need us to tell you that too many American families are being crushed by the weight of their debt.

The medical industry is making lives unbearable with costs of care skyrocketing. While industry groups continue fighting legislation that protects patients, we’re here to say enough is enough. HEAL PAC is committed to fighting to elect leaders in 2022 and beyond who aren’t afraid to stand up to the corporate interests of the health industry lobby.

Will you stand with HEAL PAC to support financial protections for patients? Sign on now:


Here are a few facts:

  • Over 66% of bankruptcies in the US are due to debt accrued by medical bills.
  • Black households have the largest share of medical debt, at 28% of claims
  • Aggressive billing practices have little results; less than 1% of the total owed to hospitals is actually collected

The aggressive billing we see across the United States creates more problems than it solves, and those most negatively impacted reflect the inequality in our society. 

We need congressional action to ensure that everyday families aren’t drowning in medical debt. Will you sign on and join our fight?


— Team HEAL