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The DoD’s latest blue-ribbon commission farce

By Winslow T. Wheeler on Dec 13, 2021 03:32 am

A new panel buried in the NDAA will likely be run by arms contractors, blobby think tankers, and pols who could care less about budget reform.
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Jet fuel in Hawaii’s drinking water the latest example of military’s negligence

By Nick Cleveland-Stout on Dec 13, 2021 03:00 am

Despite warnings, the Navy opposed closing a faulty tank at Pearl Harbor, while a recent bout of contamination made local residents seriously ill.
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Biden’s efforts to appease Israel on Iran have failed on all fronts

By Trita Parsi on Dec 12, 2021 06:35 am

It's not the nuclear deal that's the problem for Tel Aviv, but the very idea that Washington and Tehran would reach any detente at all.
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US official signals stunning shift in the way we interpret ‘One China’ policy

By Michael D. Swaine on Dec 10, 2021 10:21 am

By saying Taiwan is a 'strategic' asset that should be kept separate from Beijing, Ely Ratner may be flirting with, rather than diffusing conflict.
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Nikki Haley’s ‘American Strength’ manifesto is more weak hawk sauce

By Daniel Larison on Dec 10, 2021 03:18 am

The group is a who's who of discredited hardliners who haven't had an original foreign policy idea in 20 years.
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What will be the casus belli for war with China?

By Peter Van Buren on Dec 09, 2021 02:59 am

From the sinking of the Maine to Saddam's WMDs, there's usually a ginned-up event behind every destructive US war.
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