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No Capitulation on Abortion Rights
Uploaded December 12: Sam Goldman with the rundown of fascist f*ckery from the last week. Sunsara Taylor speaks on the danger of overturning #RoeVWade and Jessica Pilsudski, an activist from Michigan goes into her experience shutting down the legislature for abortion rights.

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Jessica Pilsudski:
Support the right to abortion unconditionally. Outlawing abortion doesn't stop abortions -- it just makes them more dangerous. The state should not be telling us who we can have sex with, who we can marry, if and when to have a baby. We the people of Michigan open our arms to our siblings in Mississippi and Texas and around the world, and we'll fight for your rights from the cradle to the grave.
Sunsara Taylor:
At this very dangerous hour, the so-called women's movement is capitulating to this assault. They are accepting that abortion protections will be lost nationally, and then trying to protect them in a few states. They are continuing what has been a decade's long pattern of fighting defensively, on ever shrinking ground as this assault grows worse and worse. Some are even promoting feel good fairy tales, that all this really isn't that bad and we have a lot to celebrate anyhow.
Sam Goldman:
Democrats are committed to playing by the rules and relying on the
norms. While the Republi-fascists are moving to tear up those norms and
rule through open terror and violence. I truly feel that we cannot
squander the small window we have by begging Democrats to change. We
need to marshal our power, our resources into the streets to meet this
challenge, independent of the will or interests of the Democratic
Party. Nobody else is going to do it. We need you with us.
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