I need you to know 3 critical updates. Then, I’m going to humbly ask you to become a 2022 Democratic Member. This is the most pivotal deadline we’ve ever faced, and I still need 18,981 more Democratic Members before the End of the Year. Will you please activate your membership immediately? >>
-- Trump just raked in a whopping $17 MILLION for House Republicans in one single night.

-- They’re funneling it to target SEVENTY of my Democrats.

-- And they only need to unseat FIVE of my members to take back the House and spur Trump’s run for president.
I need a historic response -- 18,981 Democratic Members before the End of Year Deadline -- to launch Democrats’ OWN massive fundraising haul, END any chance Republicans have of taking back the House, and give us the momentum we need to win. I need you to activate your membership right away. >>
NAME: John xxxxxx
ID: 103397370
We are at a crossroads, John.

We can either let Republicans use this new war chest to blanket the airwaves with lies about Democrats, take our Majority, and destroy all of our progress.

OR we can unite, build an UNPRECEDENTED base of Democratic members, and stop Republicans from ever holding power again.
Can I count on you to activate your 2022 Democratic Membership immediately? >>
Chip in $5 now >>
 Chip in $15 now >>
Chip in $25 now >>
Chip in $100 now >>
Chip in another amount now >>
Thank you,










Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.

As the top Democrat in the House, she's fighting to help working families and protect America from the dangerous agenda of Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy.

We know you're getting a lot of emails -- but it's only because what we're facing right now as a country is so important.

Nancy is committed to doing whatever it takes to elect a record-breaking number of Democrats in the next election and beyond. Can we count on your support?


Nancy isn't one to back down from a fight, and we're in this for the long haul. We'd hate to see you leave our movement completely, but if you must, please click unsubscribe.

Nancy Pelosi for Congress
Suite 800
Washington, DC xxxxxx
United States
Paid for by Nancy Pelosi for Congress