Team, this is urgent.
I’ve been tracking the recent donations from our supporters who have chipped in to our mid-month goal. Take a look at our dashboard:
Support for our mid-month goal has been falling in the past few hours. Can you rush a donation right now to correct this trend and help us reach our goal?
I’m a pretty big numbers and data person. After watching these trends over the past few hours with bated breath in hopes that this dip would be temporary… I was wrong.
We’ve seen a drop in support that’s strong enough to crush our chances of hitting our mid-month goal. Susie’s running in the most competitive district in the country – missing a single goal just isn’t in our playbook.
There’s still time to turn this around but we need to act fast.
Will you chip in whatever you can to help turn this trend upside down so we can reach our $4,750 mid-month goal?
Thanks for being so quick to act.
Carli Fettig
Finance Director
Susie Lee for Congress