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Pro-choice activists in Northern Ireland have said the government must ensure conscientious objection provisions mirror those in the rest of the UK when new
abortion laws are introduced, ahead of an upcoming consultation to which churches are expected to contribute.
A Conservative group concerned with animal welfare has called on the party to require the labelling of meat to show the method of slaughter, including steps
to make clear whether animals have been stunned.
The chancellor Sajid Javid is among those who have condemned a column by Rod Liddle, in The Spectator, that appeared to call for elections to be
held on days when Muslims would not vote. Liddle and the magazine have said the comments were a joke.
Women and girls who attach themselves to Islamic State are driven by a complex combination of factors beyond just love or marriage, according to research by
a counter-extremism thinktank. The study identified motivating factors including an apparent desire to live a "true and pure Islamic life".
A group of faith leaders, including a number of Christian and evangelical pastors, have held a meeting with US president Donald Trump at the White House in
which they prayed for him and the nation.
A proposed rule by the Trump administration would allow foster care and adoption agencies to deny their services to LGBT families on faith-based grounds.
The Holy See's refusal to fully assist the UK's sexual abuse inquiry reveals unchangeable deficiencies within the church and highlights the need for a new
mandatory reporting law, says Stephen Evans.
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