Protect Alaska Caribou and Gates of the Arctic National Preserve from Industrial Road

Protect Alaska Caribou and Gates of the Arctic National Preserve from Industrial Road

Dear John,

Last year, the Trump administration approved a private, 200-mile industrial mining road that will cut through Alaska’s Gates of the Arctic National Preserve. The Ambler Road would cross 2,900 streams, 11 major rivers, and jeopardize one of the longest land migrations on Earth, that of the Western Arctic Caribou Herd.

The permitting process was deeply flawed. Basic information was missing from the review, including the exact location of the road itself, making an accurate analysis impossible. An investigation by Politico found that the concerns of Alaska Native communities were marginalized.

The Biden administration can halt permits for the proposed road until a new and rigorous environmental, cultural, and subsistence review is done, and the far-reaching consequences are fully understood.

Sign the letter to tell the Interior Department and Army Corps of Engineers to halt Ambler Road permits. A new comprehensive review is needed to fully understand the far-reaching consequences. 

In Solidarity,

Bonnie Gestring, Earthworks

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