Dear John,
Every New York family — from Niagara Falls to Long Island — must have access to high quality, affordable child care and early education so kids can thrive, parents can work, and we can build strong, healthy communities.
This is the moment to make child care for every family a reality. Right now, thanks to an influx of new federal funding and growing awareness brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact, New York State has the financial resources, the public support and the political leadership to address our child care and early care systems. Join the Empire State Campaign for Child Care as we work together to demand bold transformational change.
For too long, elected officials have failed to prioritize key investments in child care. As a result, many families have been forced to give up their jobs or schooling because they can't find or afford quality child care and early education. Meanwhile, dedicated, early childhood educators in centers and residential settings are denied respect, resources and fair compensation.
Will you join the ESCCC 2022 Legislative Campaign?
Register Now
for our December 14th Kick Off Calls
Tuesday, December 14th 1pm Kick Off Call — Register here
Tuesday, December 14 7pm Kick Off Call — Register here
These calls will lay out our campaign calendar and demands.
Spanish language interpretation will be provided.
ESCCC Statewide Advocacy Day Rally and Press Conference
Wednesday, February 9, 12-1:30 pm
Registration coming soon!
We must guarantee every family has affordable or free, accessible child care and early education options that are developmentally, educationally, and culturally appropriate. We need to respect those who provide early childhood care and education for their skill, education and responsibilities, and ensure they have good wages and benefits. When we invest in early child care and education families thrive, everyone is better off; we create healthy families, safer communities and a strong New York.