All donations by 12/31 will be 3X-MATCHED! Hello People For Supporter, I’ll just be blunt: radical right-wing extremists are threatening the very foundations of our American democracy. From voting rights, to reproductive rights, to our environment, and even our basic ability to hold a civil and fact-based dialogue, there's so much at risk right now. And on all these issues, People For the American Way has been one of the most important and influential groups I’ve ever worked with – in the fight, day after day, to protect progressive values and defend our American democracy. You know, People For the American Way was originally created as an important shield against the very same right-wing extremism we’re up against now. For more than 40 years, they've been on the right side of the issues – whether it's standing up for the Freedom to Vote Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, fighting alongside me to protect consumers and hold corporate special interests accountable, or tracking and disrupting the extremists pushing conspiracy theories like Trump's "Big Lie" and instigating violence against Americans they don't agree with politically. That’s why I’m grateful to call you – and the hundreds of thousands of People For members across the country – allies in our shared fight for the future of American democracy. Of course, as we look towards 2022, we know what the Republican agenda will be – because we’ve seen it before: suppress voting rights, rig the system with extreme gerrymandering, push out hate and bigotry to divide Americans, tear down the institutions of our American democracy, and leave everyone else to pick up the pieces. But I’m here to tell you one thing I know for sure: When we fight, we win. We can beat even the most powerful interests. That’s how – with your help – we'll stop the coming attacks on our rights and our values. But only if we fight side by side. People For needs this team to play a leading role in pushing back against the Far Right in the coming year. All donations by 12/31 will be 3X-MATCHED! Can you please renew your support for this important work with a donation today?>> Let’s make sure progressives are strong enough to fight back and win in 2022. Thanks for being a part of this with People For, — Elizabeth P.S. Control of both the Senate AND the House is at stake next year – so we’ve got to do everything we can to stop the Far Right's extremist agenda. Renew your 2022 support for PFAW now if you can to help make a difference in this fight.>>