From Evelyn Yang <[email protected]>
Subject My first weekend on the trail
Date November 4, 2019 1:34 AM
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[ Andrew ]Andrew Yang for President

Hi! This is Evelyn, Andrew’s wife.

I just finished my first weekend on the campaign trail with Andrew and
wanted to share some thoughts with you. I did a CNN interview, a rally, a
march, and an Iowa Democratic dinner and gala. Hundreds of supporters sang
me “Happy Birthday,” which was very touching.

Experiencing what Andrew does on the trail was a lot to take in. But it
was exhilarating. I felt first hand what keeps him going -- you all, his
supporters. Your energy, your passion, your belief. On the rally stage, I
said that I love the Yang Gang and I meant it from the bottom of my heart.

[2]Evelyn and Andrew Yang at Iowa rally

The other thing that moved me on the trail was all the gratitude I
received. Countless people thanked me for lending Andrew to this campaign
and acknowledged the sacrifice of our family’s time missed with Dad.

People also told me about their own children and family members with
autism and thanked me for sharing our family’s experience. They told me
how meaningful it was to have us out there speaking for them and special

This moved me a great deal in particular because as someone who never
cared for the spotlight, I’ve had my reservations about having our family
front and center.

As a mother, I’m very protective of my children. I admit I am still
balancing wanting to shield them from the world and my desire to use our
platform to help create a more inclusive society for them.

But this weekend on the trail showed me how important this campaign is to
so many people. We truly do need to rewrite the rules to work for families
across the country.

I’ve known that from the beginning, but I see it even more clearly now. It
has me excited to get out on the trail again soon to continue spreading
this vision we share.

[ [link removed] ]If you’re as excited for this vision as I am, can I ask you to please
make your
first contribution of $5 or more now? Andrew’s counting on
all of us to build this future together.


Evelyn Yang

Paid for by Friends of Andrew Yang

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