Dear John,

Last week, 100 of the 50CAN network's staff members, supporters and partners gathered in Honolulu to celebrate and learn from the work of HawaiiKidsCAN. We engaged in meaningful conversations with community members fighting to bridge the digital divide for the islands' rural students, board members who were key in securing legislative victories and alumni of HawaiiKidsCAN's WAVE student advocacy program.

Executive Director David Miyashiro also shared with us a short film that articulates his hopes and dreams for the children of Hawaii, composed from a letter he wrote his one-year-old son.

It is a deeply moving tribute and we wanted to ensure you're able to watch it as well.
HawaiiKidsCAN Executive Director David Miyashiro pens a letter to his son
For all of us at 50CAN, this video is such a clear example of what happens when we collectively believe in a better education system for all of our children.

We'll be back next week with 50CAN's 2021 Year in Review, but until then, I hope that wherever you are, you'll raise a toast to David for all that he's accomplished for Ari and the other 300,000 keiki of Hawaii.


Marc Porter Magee, PhD
50CAN Founder and CEO



Support David's Work by Making a Donation to HawaiiKidsCAN

50CAN: The 50-State Campaign for Achievement Now is a nonprofit organization that works at the local level to advocate for a high-quality education for all kids, regardless of their address. 

1380 Monroe St NW, #413, Washington, DC 20010

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