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Monday, December 13, 2021


Stunning Data from South Africa Suggest Omicron May Be the End of Covid (And of Covid Vaccines)

Alex Berenson

Top Cardiologist Warns of Deadly Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis in Children

Martin Armstrong

Liberty Is Our Natural Condition

Karen Kwiatkowski

Data Scientist Tells RFK, Jr.: ‘VAERS Is Telling a Very Frightening Story’

Jeremy Loffredo

FDA Now Wants 75 Years To Release Pfizer Vaccine Documents

Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

Nurse – Hospitals Full of Patients With Adverse Reactions From the Covid Jab

Bitchute Video

Tony Fauci: Jackbooted Thug

Issues & Insights


Bionic Mosquito

Epidemic of Heart Disease Caused By Covid Vaccines

Dr. Mark Sircus

Russia Does Not Want a War in Ukraine

Mary Dejevsky

Media Suddenly Declares Biden’s Economy Strongest Ever after Secret Narrative Meeting

Jay Greenberg

The Covid Shots Are Killing People

Dr. Joseph Mercola

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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