Something you may not know about me is that growing up, I had childhood asthma. I still remember the anxiety of double and triple checking I had packed my inhaler for school.
I didn’t fully realize it back then, but I wasn’t alone. In fact 1 in 6 kids in California’s Central Valley struggle with childhood asthma. Crazy right? It’s a huge problem in my community and the recent wildfires have made it even worse.
When I throw out stats like - the number of “smoke days” has nearly tripled over the last decade - it’s not just a number to me. That has real-life consequences for thousands of kids who, just like me, struggle to breathe. That’s why I have been urging President Biden so strongly to focus not just on the wildfires, but also the tragic effects of the smoke. For example one of the proposals I’m pushing is a technology that provides the public up to the minute updates on the locations of wildfires and the smoke they create. It helps firefighters track the fires and helps parents understand how bad the smoke is for their kids.
Our kids deserve better than the air they’re currently breathing. We have to tackle climate change head on and that’s why I’m so determined to continue leading this fight in Washington.
We can do it!
P.S. If you agree we need to tackle climate change head on, please consider donating to our campaign.