Joe Biden’s “Summit for Democracy” is a joke.
The big lie being told during this summit is that anyone involved actually cares about “democracy.”
What they really care about is perpetuating the interventionist foreign policy the war hawks
have been executing all over the world, using the U.S. military and our allies, under the guise of “promoting democracy.”
It’s a horrible misrepresentation with deadly consequences for millions upon millions of innocent people
in war-torn countries. Just when it looked like endless war could possibly start to wind down,
war drums are beating again at the Russia-Ukraine border, and Joe Biden is hosting this hoax summit to promote more militarism around the globe. I certainly hope people see through this, but I suggest you share my weekly column below with as
many people as you can to get the word out. This is especially important in a week where a
sitting U.S. Senator was openly discussing a “first-strike” nuclear attack against Russia.
The hawks never rest and therefore neither can we. -Ron
Biden’s ‘Democracy Summit’ is a Joke On
December 9-10 President Biden presided over an online “Summit for Democracy,” which claimed it will “bring together leaders from
government, civil society, and the private sector to set forth an affirmative agenda for democratic renewal and to tackle the greatest threats faced
by democracies today through collective action.” What a joke. This is not about promoting
democracy. It's really about undermining democracy worldwide with US interventionist foreign policy.
Yes, the conference is anti-democracy, not pro-democracy. The countries whose elected
leaders do the bidding of the United States – disregarding the wishes of those who elected them – are to be favored with an invitation to
this “virtual” event. The countries that pursue domestic and foreign policy that is independent from the demands of the US State
Department and CIA are not allowed into Washington’s sandbox to play. Much of the world
has seen through the pettiness of such an infantile approach. It is like the fairy tale of the emperor with no clothes. None of the sycophantic
foreign leaders graced with an invitation to the banquet dare point out that the US is in the business of undermining democracy overseas, not
promoting it. Color revolutions, where elected governments are overthrown with US backing, is
about the only thing the US exports these days. Ask the Ukrainians how their US-backed overthrow in 2014 has worked out for them. Ask any victim of US
anti-democratic “color revolutions” about the US commitment to democracy. For
Washington, democracy means “you elect who we tell you to elect.” European Union
member country Hungary is the only EU country not invited to participate in the “Summit for Democracy” even though it has undeniably held
fully democratic elections since the end of communism 30 years ago. There is no question that Hungary is a democratic country, but it is not invited
to Biden’s “Summit for Democracy.” Why? Because the Biden Administration does
not like Hungary’s democracy. It does not like the fact that the Hungarian people have voted for a conservative government that occasionally
pursues foreign and domestic policies at odds with the dictates of Foggy Bottom and Langley.
The Biden Administration does not like that Hungary resisted the mass invasion of refugees from countries and cultures absolutely alien to
Hungary’s history. Biden does not like the fact that Hungarians have voted time and time again for a conservative government that openly
professes Christian values. But what they hate most is that when Washington says “jump,” Budapest doesn’t always ask “how
high?”. It’s a petty game that has already backfired like all of Washington’s
idiotic interventionist initiatives. For example, in the Hungarian situation, Washington’s childish snub of Hungary has meant that the rest of
the European Union cannot participate in the summit as the EU. Washington’s intervention
overseas is always an own-goal. Sanctioning Russia over phony Russiagate has resulted in more Russia-China cooperation. The US tells Iran it must not
sell oil anywhere, and similarly-demonized China cuts a good deal for Iranian oil. It
won’t shock anyone that Russia and Iran – which both hold elections no less democratic than those in Ukraine, where opposition parties are
outlawed and their leaders jailed – are not invited to Biden’s little party. But no doubt their absence will be more than made up by North
Macedonia, Suriname, and Micronesia. Democracy summit? More like propaganda summit! What a joke!
For Liberty,  Ron Paul Chairman If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click
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principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education,
issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.