Weekly Round-Up

Quincy news highlights
December 12, 2021 


The Future of Counterterrorism: Start By Defining the Threat
Wednesday, December 15
1:00-2:00 pm Eastern


What is the terrorist threat today, and who is threatened? Which fights are insurgencies or civil wars versus anti-U.S. terrorism? And when it is America’s fight, what are the most effective approaches to countering terrorism against our people or interests “over the horizon”? 

Debate: Should the U.S. Seek to Contain China? 
Thursday, December 16
12:00-1:00 pm Eastern

Does China’s rise constitute a “threat” to be contained, or is pursuing a strategy of containment through militarhy action unnecessary and unduly escalatory? QI and the Institute for Peace & Diplomacy are sponsoring a debate between John Mearsheimer and David Kang on one of the most critical foreign policy questions facing Washington today. 


The Iran Nuclear Deal Will Be Kept Alive — But Barely
By Trita Parsi, Executive Vice President
MSNBC, 12/6/21

The Iran deal might be headed toward the “coma option”—where everyone pretends that the deal is still alive in order to avoid the crisis that its official death would spur.


Kelley Vlahos on the State of the U.S. Military
Interview with Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Editorial Director
CSPAN, 12/12/2021

Kelley discusses the growing disconnect between what the American people want and the policies that are being pursued by Washington's national security and foreign policy establishment.


Biden’s Democracy Summit Could Backfire
By Stephen Walt, Non-Resident Fellow
Foreign Policy, 12/8/21

There are dangers to hosting diplomatic meetings without a clear purpose.


Biden Goes One-on-one with Putin 
Interview with Anatol Lieven, Senior Research Fellow
Fox 5, 12/7/2021

Will this week's call between Presidents Biden and Putin help to de-escalate rising tensions over Ukraine? 



Biden’s Efforts to Appease Israel on Iran Have Failed on All Fronts by Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Responsible Statecraft, 12/12/21 

The World that the West Built After Pearl Harbour is Cracking, by the Economist Staff/ Quoted: President Andrew Bacevich and East Asia Director Michael Swaine, The Economist, 12/11/21

Now in Power, Key Anti-war Democrats Soften on Saudi War in Yemen by Sara Sirota and Austin Ahlman/ Cited: Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, The Intercept, 12/10/21

Faith Leaders Call on Biden to End Broad Sanctions by Contributing Editor Jim Lobe, Responsible Statecraft, 12/10/21
The Poland-Belarus Migrant Crisis Is Not a ‘Hybrid Attack’ On Europe by Intern David Saveliev, Responsible Statecraft, 12/10/21
TELEVISION: Negotiations Over Fate of Deal Continue In Austria Interview with Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, CNN, 12/10/21
Betting on Democracy: Biden's Big Idea for U.S. Foreign Policy by Edward Luce/ Quoted: Non-Resident Fellow Stephen Walt and Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, Financial Times, 12/10/21 
WEBCAST: 2021 Quincy Award for Responsible Statecraft: A Conversation with Reps. Jim McGovern & Peter Meijer about Congress’ Role in War and Peace Discussion featuring Rep. Jim McGovern and Rep. Peter Meijer, Quincy Institute, 12/9/21
TELEVISION: U.S. Team Set to Join Talks this Weekend Interview with Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, DW News, 12/9/21
PODCAST: What Does Europe Want for Ukraine? Interview with Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, The John Batchelor Show, 12/9/21
Top Dem Senator Assails Biden On Cuba Policy by Contributing Editor Jim Lobe, Responsible Statecraft, 12/8/21
How the Taiwan Issue Could Spark a Full-On U.S.-China Conflict by East Asia Director Michael Swaine, Responsible Statecraft, 12/8/21
What to Expect In the Next Round of Iran Nuclear Talks by Andrew Parasiliti, Elizabeth Hagedorn, and Joe Snell/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Al-Monitor, 12/8/21
WEBCAST: The Summit for Democracy: An Important Step or an Empty Symbol?  Panel featuring Marlene Laruelle, Daniel Nexon, and Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, moderated by Director of Studies Sarang Shidore, Quincy Institute, 12/8/21
Why it Would Be Better if this Democracy Summit Never Happened by Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, Responsible Statecraft, 12/7/21
Attacks On Possible Korean Peace Plan Are Politically and Financially Motivated by Senior Research Fellow Jessica Lee, Responsible Statecraft, 12/6/21
TELEVISION: Why the U.S. Is Boycotting the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics Interview with East Asia Director Michael Swaine, Cheddar TV, 12/6/21


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