
Today marks 6 years since the Paris Climate Agreement was adopted by 196 countries.

Let me be clear: Climate change is an existential threat. It is a crisis, and it must be of great concern to us all.

As a three-star Admiral in the U.S. Navy, I’ve seen the effects of climate change around the globe – and they are already real and devastating. Climate change is not some future problem; it is an urgent problem that must be addressed today with the full force of government and American entrepreneurship & ingenuity.

There are reasons even the Pentagon calls climate change a national security threat.

Here in Iowa, the effects of climate change are already clear. Droughts and flooding are becoming frighteningly more common. Just ask any Iowa farmer if severe weather is impacting their crops right now.

But climate change also presents an opportunity. Iowa can invest in new technologies, create clean energy jobs, and be a leader in the Green Economy. My Republican opponent Chuck Grassley has spent so much time debating whether or not climate change is even real, he’s ignored the chance for Iowa to lead once again.

Maybe it’s because of all the dirty money he’s taken from corporate PACs and special interests.

In the Senate, I’ll always be a vote for taking real action to fight the climate crisis. But in order to get there, I’ll be counting on grassroots donors like you.

So today, on the 6th anniversary of the Paris Climate Accord, let us renew our commitment to protect our planet for our children, our grandchildren, and future generations to come.

Thank you for everything you do,

Mike Franken, VADM, U.S. Navy (ret.)