We’re launching a big campaign to pass net neutrality laws in every state.


California is ground zero in the fight for net neutrality.

In 2018, California passed a gold-standard net neutrality law—even stronger than the federal protections that were repealed by FCC chairman and former Verizon lawyer Ajit Pai. But the FCC stopped California from enforcing its law because Pai’s repeal of net neutrality also blocked states from passing their own laws.1

But now, a federal court has said that the FCC cannot legally block states from taking action. That means California’s law is back in play—and other states may have the chance to pass strong net neutrality protections as well.

Here’s the rub: the FCC is still trying to block California from taking action.2 So before we can win in other states, we need to make sure California doesn’t back down. And then we’ll need to launch state-by-state campaigns in a dozen states or more to pass new net neutrality laws.

Will you donate to help defend California’s strong net neutrality protections and pass similar laws in other states?


California passed the strongest net neutrality law, but it’s not the only law out there. Four other states have passed their own net neutrality protections, and 34 others are considering legislation.3

If enough states pass strong net neutrality protections, Big Cable will find that it’s easier to just go along with net neutrality everywhere instead of following different rules in each state. That’s why it’s so important to work in every one of these states to pass and defend strong protections.

But going up against the legal army of Big Cable to defend California’s law won’t be easy. And getting all these state-level bills passed is not going to be easy. It’s a big job—and it will demand a lot of resources.

If we’re going to make it happen, we need your support.

Can you chip in to support our big campaign to pass and defend strong net neutrality laws in California and other states?

For the Internet,

Evan at Fight for the Future


1. Mercury News: https://www.mercurynews.com/2019/10/06/editorial-california-must-defend-states-robust-net-neutrality-law/

2. The Verge: https://www.theverge.com/2018/10/26/18029226/net-neutrality-fcc-california-law-ajit-pai-scott-wiener

3. CNet: https://www.cnet.com/news/net-neutrality-battle-moves-to-the-states/


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