
It is no secret that America has a child care crisis.

It is also no secret that the wealthy continue to make more and more money while poor and working-class folks get left behind.

That’s what makes two provisions in the Build Back Better Act which initially seem unrelated highly interconnected.

Deep in the bill, there is a section laying out a path for child care workers to be paid a living wage, but here’s the kicker… right now they would not get paid that living wage for another 4 years.

Also in the bill is a proposed giveaway for the wealthiest Americans that would allow the richest 5% of Americans to keep $80 billion a year. 

This giveaway to the wealthiest Americans, the State and Local Taxes (SALT) provision, is huge; in fact, in the first 5 years of the Build Back Better Act, it is the single most expensive portion of the legislation, costing more money than any of the programs on child care, the environment, and healthcare.

With Democrats in power, there is no reason why we should wait until 2026 to pay child care workers a living wage while allowing the rich to continue getting richer.

We need to Tax the Rich so child care workers can make a living wage right away, not four years from now.

Stand with DFA as we tell Senate Democrats: Tax the Rich and pay child care workers a living wage now!

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Right now, the poor and working-class would foot the bill for millionaires and billionaires while child care workers would have to wait until 2026 to make a decent wage.

But child care workers can’t wait 4 years for a living wage, especially when the wealthy will keep $320 billion over the same time frame.

Already, many people are leaving the profession because of low pay.

But by closing loopholes that allow the wealthiest Americans to avoid paying their fair share, we can get the child care living wage provision to start right away, not four years from now!

It really comes down to this. Do Democrats support the wealthy elite or the working class??

Do Democrats want to make sure that child care workers have enough money to get by or do they want the rich to continue hoarding billions of dollars at the expense of everyone else?

We need to Tax the Rich so child care workers make a living wage right away.

Stand with DFA as we tell Senate Democrats: Tax the Rich and pay child care workers a living wage now!

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Thank you for pushing to help child care workers by making the rich pay their fair share.

- Yvette

Yvette Simpson, CEO
Democracy for America