The Beat Goes On; Supreme Court Dismisses Biden's DOJ Lawsuit Against the Texas Heartbeat Law


The Beat Goes On; Supreme Court Dismisses Biden's DOJ Lawsuit Against the Texas Heartbeat Law

Yesterday morning, December 10th, the U.S. Supreme Court released an opinion regarding both cases. Although the abortion advocates were desperate and begging for a ruling to kill the Texas Heartbeat Law, they did not get what they wanted! Instead, the Biden’s DOJ case was completely dismissed, and the Supreme Court stated that the Texas Heartbeat Law could continue to remain in effect with the ability for challenges to be heard a chance to be heard at the lower courts.

The U.S. Supreme Court heard combined oral arguments for United States v Texas and Whole Woman's Health v Jackson back on November 2, 2021 regarding the Texas Heartbeat Law (S.B. 8) that went into effect on September 1, 2021. Texas Values President Jonathan Saenz was at the Texas Capitol when the Heartbeat Law was put in effect and the again at the U.S. Supreme Court whe the oral arguments were heard.

We are confident in the Texas Heartbeat Law, as the Law continues to prevail after the Supreme Court has heard this Law twice before. Instead of striking the Heartbeat Law down, the Supreme Court allowed the Law to remain in effect for the second time. That is a win worth celebrating!

Jonathan Saenz, President and Attorney for Texas Values released the following statement today to the press:

“Preborn babies today are saying three words – ‘God Bless Texas.’ The Texas Heartbeat Law has prevailed again at the Supreme Court, by remaining in effect on one challenge and by the Supreme Court completely dismissing the Biden’s Department of Justice case against Texas in ‘Biden v. Babies.’ There are now over 15,000 babies who have been saved since the Texas Heartbeat Law took effect. The Texas Heartbeat Law remains fully enforceable and shows that Texas takes the dignity and protection of the preborn seriously. We are celebrating the lives already saved, yet, we are not done yet. More information can be found can be found at

Remember: You Have the Right to Say 'Merry Christmas' in Texas Public Schools

In 2013, the Merry Christmas Law (H.B. 208) passed with bi-partisan support to bring clarity to the issue of what public schools could do and say regarding Christmas. The Law has empowered public schools and individuals to use their constitutional rights to freely acknowledge and educate students about Christmas and Hanukkah. 

Christmas encompasses the story of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Teachers and students should be free to celebrate and express their beliefs when it comes to Christmas greetings, decorations, and the meaning of the holiday. You may recall Texas Values helped defend a Killeen school teacher's Christmas decoration that included a bible verse from the Gospel of Matthew in what is known as the Charlie Brown Christmas case.

The Merry Christmas Law offers clarification and ease in furthering the protection in greetings including “Merry Christmas” at publics schools. The Law protects the right for public schools, staff and teachers to recognize and discuss these two monumental holidays without the fear of being persecuted or reported to the “speech police.” And as it is nearing the last week of school before the holidays, it is important for you to remember that this law protects your right to say 'Merry Christmas,' call parties 'Christmas parties,' and have decorations that express the Christmas holiday. If your school attempts to deny any expressions for Christmas, please do not hesitate to contact Texas Values and let your school administrators know about the Merry Christmas Law. 

If you want to learn more about the rights of a teacher, staff member, and/or student at Texas public schools when it comes to the topic of Christmas, visit for more information.


Kelly Shackelford Award Given to Abby Johnson at Dallas-Forth Worth Luncheon

Our 2021 Dallas-Fort Worth Luncheon was at Gleneagles Country Club in Plano, Texas on Wednesday, December 8th. The  Honorable Rick Perry, the 47th Governor of Texas and Former U.S. Secretary of Energy , spoke as well as Pro-Life Advocate and Leader, Abby Johnson.

To celebrate and acknowledge all that she has done for babies and the pro-life movement, Texas Values presented the esteemed Kelly Shackelford Award to Abby Johnson. This award honors all the wonderful work that has been done and the consistent willingness to collaborate with so many Pro-life organizations and state level officials in order to help push the Texas Heartbeat Law through legislation.

Abby Johnson is known for being a powerful speaker and a leading Pro-Life Advocate who is also Founder and President of And Then There Were None Ministries. Abby Johnson is a reminder to us all that God is good and that there are successful alternatives to abortion that are consistently expanding in their capacity and outreach to mothers, babies and families. The fight is not over, but we recognize the huge victories we have seen and the over 15,000 babies that are still alive today because of the Texas Heartbeat Law and pro-life advocates like Abby Johnson.


Save The Date! San Antonio Christmas Luncheon

Do not miss the San Antonio area Christmas Reception! This event will be in person on Tuesday, December 14th from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM at the Alamo Cafe on San Pedro Ave.

You will also get a timely update from our President Jonathan Saenz!  Including: 

  • Texas Values 2021 Faith and Family Champions 
  • Texas Heartbeat Law 
  • Save Women's Sports 
  • Texas State Board of Education 
  • Many other issues impacting faith, family, and freedom across Texas

Arina Grossu, Pro-Life Leader and Policy and Communications  Advisor to Texas Values joins host, Jonathan Saenz, on the Texas Values Report

On last week's show, Arina Grossu, Pro-Life Leader and Policy and Communications  Advisor to Texas Values host, Jonathan Saenz, to discuss the Dobbs v Jackson Women's Health Organization case that was heard at the U.S. Supreme Court and the potential aftermath of a Post-Roe world. Watch here. Listen here.


Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values, All rights reserved.


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900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220
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