Turn on images to see Mandela's tweet about Elizabeth Warren's endorsement.Turn on images to see Mandela.

Hi John, Rachel here from the PCCC team. I hope the end of your year is full of family, festivities, and as many feel-good moments as you can get.

We wanted to invite you to something special on Monday, December 13. Senator Elizabeth Warren will join Wisconsin Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes, the frontrunner to defeat Republican Senator Ron Johnson.

If you care about stopping the Republican madness, you'll want to hear from two of the most inspiring progressives in the nation -- together.

RSVP & donate here. While we’d encourage you to support Mandela at the highest level you can, tickets start at just $5 bucks...feel-good moment guaranteed!

Mandela is one of the youngest Black statewide officials in the country and recognized as a rising star. He is endorsed by Senator Elizabeth Warren and Representatives Gwen Moore and Mondaire Jones, and major progressive groups like the PCCC, End Citizens United, Working Families Party, MoveOn, and others.

We’ll also be joined by Chris Larson -- bold progressive and “Wisconsin 14” state senator who was running for Senate and then endorsed Mandela...uniting progressives in Wisconsin.

Cook Political Report rates this race a toss up. CNN reports that Johnson's evolution into a conspiracy promoter has driven Republican voters and even some Republican Party leaders to turn against him. Johnson is now trying to put partisan Republican lawmakers in charge of federal elections in Wisconsin so Republicans can override the will of the people.

Please join us on December 13 at 8pm ET. RSVP & donate here...tickets start at only $5 bucks!

See you Monday?

All my thanks,

-- Rachel Queirolo, PCCC Development Director









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