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Dear Friend,

Have you noticed how much prices rose this year? From gas to groceries, it’s obvious we are now paying way more for things compared to twelve months ago.
Why have prices increased? Inflation is what happens when there is too much money chasing too few goods and services. 
There has been something like a 40% increase in the number of dollars in circulation (M2) in America compared to two years ago. If you measure the amount of money more narrowly (M1), the increase has been even more pronounced.

Increase in M1 measure of money
Having all those extra dollars out there inevitably means that the ones you happen to have will buy less than before.
Where did all these extra dollars come from? The government created more currency by having the Federal Reserve purchase Treasury and mortgage-backed securities. It is the 21
st century version of running a printing press – and they did it to supposedly grow the economy.
But of course, printing more money does not make more wealth. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Thanks to all the extra dollars, the cost of living for millions of American workers is now rising faster than their salaries. Retirees find that the value of their savings is being eroded. Progressive politicians are hurting precisely the people they claim to represent!
The federal authorities like to pretend that this surge in prices is only temporary. They blame supply-side bottle necks caused by Covid. As our own Josiah Dalke points out, inflation growth isn’t quite so temporary after all. 

Inflation isn’t caused by temporary supply chain disruption  It’s caused by the fed itself.
America desperately needs a return to sound monetary management. And we need a conservative movement that understands the importance of sound monetary management.

Warm Regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO


Too Many Regulators and Too Many Regulations - Read Josiah Dalke
Balancing Free Market Drone Growth & Private Property Rights - Read Matthew Nicaud
Inflation Turned Out to Be Not So Temporary - Read Josiah Dalke
Big Brother, Data Privacy, & High-Tech Overreach - Read Matthew Nicaud
5 Barriers on Healthcare Providers Hurt Minorities - Read Matthew Nicaud


A Year in Review

Douglas joined the Gallo Show to talk about his first year in America!

Vaccine Mandates and Abortions

Aaron Rice, Director of the Mississippi Justice Institute, gives his thoughts on Dobbs v. Jackson & the Vaccine Mandate Cases
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