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Weekend Edition, December 11-12, 2021


Julian Assange Loses Appeal: British High Court Accepts U.S. Request to Extradite Him for Trial

Glenn Greenwald

The Boundless Entitlement of Hillary Clinton

Tim Black

In Defense of Turgot

David Gordon

Stunning: Facebook Court Filing Admits ‘Fact Checks’ Are Just a Matter of Opinion

Thomas Lifson

The Air Coming Out

James Howard Kunstler

Vandana Shiva: Great Reset Is ‘a Project of Extermination’

Jeremy Loffredo

Medicare Data Show 48,465 Deaths Over 80 Within 14 Days of Shots: Scrubbed As Non Vaccinated

Celia Farber

Many Have Died from Being Hoodwinked by Media Orchestration of a Deadly Covid Pandemic

Paul Craig Roberts

Meanwhile, Colleges and Universities Are Now Requiring Covid Vaccine Boosters

Alex Berenson

‘Delete It’: Elon Musk Slams Biden’s Build Back Better Bill – Full Interview

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