
Dear John,


West Virginians are infuriated and fed up that Senator Manchin continues to care more about lobbyists and corporations than he does about the hard working poor and low-income people of West Virginia.


We demand Senator Manchin meet with poor and low-income West Virginians and pass moral policies that will help thousands of West Virginians. Sign the letter below to join our demands!

The extremist anti-democracy forces are waging state-by-state attacks on voting rights and coordinating a disinformation campaign against the Build Back Better plan. The lives of our people and our democracy are on the line, we need to come to DC this Monday and tell Congress to Get it Done in 2021! 


Buses are coming in from across the nation, go here to sign up for a seat on the bus right now! Reserve your free seat using the code PPC1213. If you are making your own travel arrangements, plan to gather at 12pm ET at Union Square, which is in front of the Capitol Reflecting Pool on 3rd Street SW between Madison and Jefferson. Click here for a map.

Our program will include powerful testimonies from state leaders all across the country, songs of unity and social transformation from our theomusicologists, and live coverage of a mass nonviolent moral direct action to remind Congress that people and our democracy are dying and the stakes are high.


The Build Back Better plan is an important first step towards implementing the moral social policy we need in this country, and this is our last chance to make a push to Get it Done in 2021. Whether you take action online or in person, we need all hands on deck. See you there.


Forward Together,

Rev. Dr. William Barber and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis

Co-Chairs, Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival