Lessons from Jesus on Saying 'No'
Most of us experience daily tension between the things we would ideally do and the things we have to do. The Rev. Ryan Dunn, minister of online engagement for Rethink Church, says it’s healthy and not a selfish act to say “no” more often, citing occasions where even Jesus said no. “At times, even in the face of high demand, Jesus waited and trusted. When the action served the higher purpose, Jesus responded,” he writes. Read the commentary at https://www.umc.org/en/content/does-jesus-have-something-to-teach-about-busyness.
Trees Could Symbolize Reformed Denomination
Setting a new tree for every member of The United Methodist Church is a positive way to announce the church's reformation to the world, suggests the Rev. Mel West, a retired pastor. "Whatever form the denomination takes going forward, we are still of one root, one trunk, several branches and many leaves," he writes. Read the commentary from the retired Missouri Conference Elder on the United Methodist News Service website at https://www.umnews.org/en/news/trees-symbolize-a-reformed-denomination.