Freedom House Supported
Freedom House supports frontline human rights defenders who are advancing freedom in their home countries.
Freedom House supported more than 1,600 at-risk human rights defenders, civil society organizations, journalists, and survivors of religious persecution. Wherever human rights defenders were threatened or attacked—in Afghanistan, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Sudan, or Yemen—Freedom House provided defenders with critical financial support for their humanitarian, legal, medical, relocation, and security needs. |
Freedom House Informed
Freedom House is an invaluable source of insight and analysis for policymakers, journalists, academics, and activists around the world, informing them of the latest threats to freedom.
Our flagship report, Freedom in the World, documented the 15th consecutive year of global democratic decline. The report is the most definitive assessment of the health of democracy, widely used by thought leaders, decision makers, activists, journalists, academics, and many more as they seek to understand the complexity of the global landscape and advocate for change. The report was covered in more than 831 media outlets across 86 countries. Media outlets in countries as disparate as Angola, Brazil, Georgia, Hungary, Myanmar, and Turkey discussed regional and country trends
and foreign policy implications, resulting in Freedom in the World reaching a truly global audience.
As technology increasingly affects all aspects of our lives, Freedom on the Net remains the gold-standard resource on the state of digital rights, assessing the impact of new tools and practices on freedom and democracy and advising policymakers on how to protect both. This year's report highlighted the growing number of governments that are attempting to assert their authority over tech firms, often with negative consequences for human rights online. The report’s findings were covered in more than 1,000 media outlets spanning 73 countries, and Freedom House staff briefed government officials and companies to help shape policies that protect rights and
freedoms online and off.

The United States has faced growing challenges to its own democracy. Freedom House called attention to erosion in the country’s democratic institutions and practices over the last decade, issuing a special report that included recommendations on how to reverse this worrying trend. Freedom House then cohosted a monthly speaker series featuring speakers such as former US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, several current state-level secretaries of state, sitting
mayors, and media personalities who discussed transformative solutions to the challenges facing US democracy.
Freedom House Mobilized
Freedom House mobilizes influencers and policymakers to use their resources and power to defend and expand freedom around the world.
In partnership with the McCain Institute and Center for Strategic and International Studies, Freedom House developed the first comprehensive US strategy to protect and advance democracy around the world. The Task Force on US Strategy to Support Democracy and Counter Authoritarianism—a bipartisan group of leaders, experts, and former policymakers—developed a detailed roadmap of practical, constructive policy measures to fight corruption, support independent media, and achieve other objectives in support of democracy. Many of the recommendations have been adopted or are being considered by
the US government.

Freedom House mobilized governmental responses to the growing practice of authoritarian regimes reaching beyond their borders to silence dissent. The first comprehensive global report on the phenomenon known as “transnational repression" played a critical role in popularizing the term and drawing attention to this growing threat. The term is now widely used across the US government with statements and activity on the issue from the State Department, the FBI, and President Biden himself. Several congressional offices and executive branch agencies are developing responses to transnational repression and regularly call on Freedom House for briefings and advice on creating
policies that promote accountability.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has emerged as one of the greatest threats to democracy and human rights in the world. Freedom House has become a key source of knowledge and expertise for journalists, policymakers, and ordinary news consumers who hope to better understand Chinese government tactics for censorship, surveillance, disinformation, and repression, both inside China and around the world. Freedom House helped push key legislation and recommendations to address CCP repression, trained local researchers in 30 countries on how to document Beijing’s media influence activities, and reached hundreds of thousands of readers in China with otherwise inaccessible analysis and news updates through its monthly China Media Bulletin. |