Did you see Cory’s message, team?

Before we solidify our campaign strategy for this month, we want to hear from you. Will you take our November Priorities Survey?

So often, people come up to our team members on the campaign trail with great ideas for how we can best put ourselves in a position to win the Democratic nomination and beat Donald Trump next November.

We hear you.

That’s why we created this brand new survey, so folks from across the country can let us know what’s on their minds.

Here’s a link: https://act.corybooker.com/page/s/november-priorities-survey

Thanks team,

Addisu Demissie
Campaign Manager
Cory 2020


There’s a lot on the horizon for our campaign, team:

  1. The next DNC debate is less than three weeks away, and I’m already starting to prepare.
  2. The Iowa caucuses are only three months away (with New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina soon after), and our teams on the ground are busy talking to voters and caucus-goers who are starting to make final decisions on whom to support.
  3. We also need to grow our campaign to 200,000 individual donors to qualify for the December debate.

But first, I want to hear from you. Will you take our brand new Official Cory 2020 November Priorities Survey?

This is the best way to have your input shared directly with me and this campaign. Your input will help us plan our strategy for the coming weeks.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts,



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P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved.

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