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ADL In Concert Against Hate: December 12, 2021
This Sunday, experience the exhilarating sounds of perseverance and strength.
We are delighted to invite you to join us for an exclusive Pre-Show prior to the Concert! The Pre-Show will be held on Sunday, December 12 at 7:15 p.m. ET, immediately followed by the Concert at 8 p.m. The Pre-Show will feature some words from CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, our Defender of Democracy awardees Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and City Commissioner of Philadelphia Al Schmidt, as well as a special performance by legendary pianist Jean-Yves Thibaudet and celebrated soprano, Renee Fleming.
Register now for an unforgettable night of enduring joy that empowers each of us to show up with courage and fight hate for good. Please RSVP directly to Marisa Briefman, Assistant Director of Development, at
[email protected]?subject=ADL%20In%20Concert%20Against%20Hate%20Pre-Show
[email protected] to secure your spot for the pre-show and to receive the zoom link. You can register directly for the main Concert using the link below.
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Is Your Synagogue Part of ADL’s Signature Synagogue Program?
We are inviting Synagogues across DC, MD, VA and NC to join ADL Washington, D.C.’s 2022 Signature Synagogue Program. Through the program, ADL partners with synagogues across our region to ignite a congregation-wide commitment to raising awareness of and speaking out against antisemitism and hate. Participants in the Signature Synagogue Program will have special direct access to ADL speaking engagements, Words to Action workshops, resources and learning opportunities.
For those who are already participating in the 2021 Signature Synagogue Program, we invite you to renew your participation and join us for the 2022 session. To sign up, gather more information or renew your membership, please reach out to Erica Biegen at
[email protected]?subject=Signature%20Synagogue%20Program%20Inquiry
[email protected] .
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The Anti-Israel Movement on U.S. Campuses, 2020-2021
Over the past few decades and through the 2020-2021 academic year, a small but vocal segment of U.S. student groups and faculty have espoused anti-Israel views on U.S. campuses. This reflects a stance among some parts of the left which alleges that Israeli human rights violations against the Palestinians, or at times the very existence of Israel, are representative of the worst of global systemic injustices.
The rhetoric and activity of the anti-Israel movement on U.S. campuses continues to span the spectrum from legitimate critiques of Israeli government policies to expressions of antisemitism by some activists. In a number of instances, Jewish students report feeling attacked and, in some cases, compelled to hide their Jewish identities.
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State of Hate: Social Media
Social media platforms have a wide range of tools and policies at their disposal to regulate content. We regularly assess the effectiveness of these measures by monitoring extremist and hateful activity. Here are four recent reports on the state of online hate.
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Alleged Waukesha Attacker Shared Conspiratorial, Antisemitic Content in 2015
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One Year After Ban, Holocaust Denial Remains on Facebook
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Facebook Hosts Dozens of Antisemitic “Protocols” Groups or Pages in Arabic
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“Holostory and Other Lies”: Spanish-Language Antisemitism on Facebook
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Members of ADL Task Force Call on Secretary Blinken to Broaden Priority-2 Refugee Admissions Status to Afghan Minority Groups Members of ADL’s
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Task Force on Middle East Minorities issued
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a letter calling on United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken to broaden the criteria for Priority-2 refugee admissions status to include Afghan nationals from ethnic and religious minority groups that have a well-founded fear of persecution under Taliban rule.
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Anti-Israel Activists Demonize Victim of Jerusalem Terror Attack and Claim Violence Was Justified
In the aftermath of the deadly Hamas
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terror attack in Jerusalem on November 21, which tragically took the life of 26-year-old Eli Kay and left four others others wounded (two civilians and two police officers), a number of groups and individuals affiliated with the anti-Israel movement intimated this blatant act of terrorism was justified or engaged in rhetoric that disparaged the victim.
A common theme throughout was the instrumentalization of the allegation that Israel is a
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settler colonial state, and, by extension, Kay a colonizer who had illegally invaded Palestinian lands. This, many strongly intimated, justified this indiscriminate attack on civilians. Still others asserted that the attack, and others targeting Israeli civilians, are simply the “price” Israelis must pay for their alleged actions.
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ADL Washington, D.C. Twitter Spotlight ADL Washington, D.C. offers timely information, statements and resources in response to regional and national trending topics via Twitter. Check out the links below to see what we are Tweeting about:
- UMD Hillel:
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ADL Washington, D.C. Participated in UMD Hillel’s First-Ever “Spin Love, Not Hate” Event
- North Carolina:
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Holocaust Education & Antisemitism Defined in Passed State Law
- Human Rights Month:
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December is Human Rights Month! Check Out our Resources.
- White Supremacy:
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Ryan Greer Discussed the Rise of White Supremacy on the Checkbox Other Podcast
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Education Resources
Our collection of K-12 education resources promotes critical thinking and learning around historical and current events topics through the lens of diversity, bias and social justice. This week, we are featuring resources to assist schools with navigating the "December Dilemma" and resources on talking to children about gun violence. Check out the links below for more information:
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The December Dilemma: Teaching About Religious Holidays
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Gun Violence and Mass Shootings
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