Race Forward and Colorlines values your opinion! Therefore, we hope you will take part in this 10-minute online survey to provide your insights and opinions so we can better understand your experiences and the type of content and resources you find most useful. The survey closes this Sunday, December 12, 11:59pm EST.
As a thank you, you will become eligible to win a $100 Bifties gift card when you complete the survey. Bifties is an e-commerce store that allows individuals to be social by sending a gift to others featuring items from Black-owned brands! If you've already taken the survey, you're already entered into the drawing.
This survey is entirely private, and your responses will not be individually identifiable. You can access the survey by clicking the link above or by scanning the QR code below with your mobile device:

From all of us at Race Forward and Colorlines, thank you for your valued support.