It’s official, John. We are exactly one year away from Election Day 2020 and we need to know:

Who do you support as the Democratic nominee for president? Take our Presidential Pulse Poll now before it closes >>

take poll


It’s November, and that means we’re just about a year out from Election Day 2020, our opportunity to send a bold, progressive Democrat up against Donald Trump at the ballot box.

The Democratic field has changed drastically since we first started our Presidential Pulse Polls earlier this year, and we want to know where you stand at this point.

There’s only four days left until our latest Pulse Poll closes at midnight on November 5th. Make your voice heard by taking our poll now >>


Whether you’re all-in for Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, or maybe you’re leaning towards Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, or one of the other many candidates, we want to know about it.

This presidential election is history in the making, and it’s critical we send the best possible candidate to take on the corrupt crook currently occupying the White House.

Take our Pulse Poll today to let us know where you stand just one year out from Election Day 2020.


Charles Chamberlain, Chair
Democracy for America