1. Clean hydrogen finds new energy markets
Today, hydrogen is mainly used as a chemical in industry for oil refining and fertilizer production, but it has the potential to be another player in the clean energy innovation game.
- Like electricity, hydrogen is a carrier for energy from any source to virtually any end use, and it is made in a variety of ways that are usually simplified into colors.
What’s clear: The smallest element on the periodic table could unlock some of the biggest energy challenges — electricity grid resilience, energy storage, and industrial decarbonization.
Plug in: Rich Powell explains more in this three-minute video.
2. Spurring nuclear energy innovation
Reps. Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH) and Elaine Luria (D-VA) introduced the Accelerating Nuclear Innovation through Fee Reform Act, which will help alleviate the regulatory burdens for advanced reactor developers.
- This bill is designed to accelerate innovation and catalyze private sector investment in advanced nuclear reactor technologies by eliminating Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) review fees for advanced reactor license applications.
What’s clear: “This legislation will not only help alleviate the regulatory burdens for advanced reactor developers, but it will also accelerate their deployment – a true win-win," said Rich Powell, ClearPath Action Executive Director.
3. Colleen Moss named WERC Treasurer

ClearPath Director of Government Affairs, Colleen Moss, will join the Executive Committee of the Women’s Energy Resource Council (WERC) as Treasurer.
Plug in: WERC is a DC-based nonprofit that promotes the exchange of ideas and perspectives on energy policy among women energy professionals from both the public and private sector.
4. The power of U.S. nuclear exports

DOE is funding an independent review of NuScale Power’s safety analysis report, to be conducted by Ukraine’s State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety.
- The NRC reviewed and approved NuScale’s safety analysis report as part of their completed design certification.
What’s clear: This is a great example of the U.S. government proactively engaging internationally to support the export of U.S. nuclear technologies.
The review report will be made available to any utility in Ukraine willing to build NuScale’s reactor.
5. Coming down the pipeline