Dear John:

This year has seen unprecedented attacks on U.S. democracy, disturbing disinformation campaigns, and cynical manipulations of racial and social tensions to distract voters from the real crises facing our nation and planet.

American democracy remains resilient—but it’s going to take all of us to turn things around.

My dear friends at CMD and I are keenly aware of the many threats that lie ahead:

  • Trump has inflamed right-wing extremists and is actively plotting to take back the White House, by hook or by crook;
  • A stacked Supreme Court stands ready to dismantle hard-won rights on voting, abortion, and gun safety;
  • And Charles Koch and his fellow plutocrats will continue to bankroll dark money groups like Americans for Prosperity that seek to undermine the Biden administration and block progress in the states on the issues we all care about deeply.

That’s why I am reaching out to you to ask for your support. CMD’s role as a watchdog is vitally important and needed now more than ever!

As I’ve said many times before, the first step in winning back our democracy is knowing who has taken it hostage!

CMD’s investigations this year have revealed the role of right-wing groups like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in the January insurrection and voter suppression. They testified before the Senate about the influence of dark money on the Supreme Court. And they filed state and federal legal complaints against ALEC for its illegal scheme to give ALEC legislators sophisticated campaign software linked to the RNC.

CMD is not about to let up in 2022. They’ll be working overtime to expose who’s bankrolling the Right’s new culture wars; Trump’s Big Lie and efforts to subvert future elections; disturbing new alliances between GOP-aligned groups and right-wing extremists; the corporate interests and front groups trying to block Biden’s climate and economic agenda; and the Right’s dangerous drive to convene a constitutional convention aimed at crippling the federal government’s ability to protect working families, the environment, and equal rights.

But they can’t do it without you. Your support has been essential to CMD’s success in 2021, and as we confront pernicious challenges to our rights and freedoms in 2022, CMD needs all the help you can give!

So please give as generously as you can! Your tax-deductible donation will enable CMD to reach its year-end goal of $150,000, AND...

Thanks to a $50,000 match, your year-end gift will go twice as far!
Donate Here!

Together we can win back a democracy that works for all of us!

With deepest gratitude for your generous and ongoing support, and sincerest hope for a healthy and safe New Year,


Robert Reich
Former U.S. Secretary of Labor & Co-Founder, Inequality Media

IMPORTANT: Under the CARES Act, through December 31, individual taxpayers who take the standard deduction may deduct charitable gifts up to $300, and married couples who file jointly can deduct charitable gifts up to $600. Additionally, individual taxpayers who itemize their deductions may now deduct certain charitable contributions up to 100% of the taxpayer’s adjusted gross income. Please make the most of this unique opportunity when you support CMD this year. Thank you!

CMD is a 501(c)(3) national watchdog and media group that conducts in-depth investigations into corruption and the undue influence of corporations on media and democracy. Our work is regularly cited by news outlets, policymakers, and grassroots activists working to build a more sustainable future and just society. CMD is reader-supported. Please make your tax-deductible donation today. Thank you!

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