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News Analysis
Islamists in Office: Salma Yaqoob a Warning for Americans ([link removed]) Is it already too late? Read and Share ([link removed])
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Baghdadi Raid Video Embarrasses Jihadis ([link removed]) Clarion's Ryan Mauro on Fox Watch ([link removed])
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News Analysis
Ilhan Omar Refuses to Vote for Recognizing Armenian Genocide ([link removed]) We're not buying her bizarre justification Read and Share ([link removed])
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News Analysis
Bernie Sanders Proposes Taking Money From Israel, Giving it to Terrorists ([link removed]) Sanders said it should be given for aid to Gaza. We know what that means Read ([link removed])
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News Analysis
Shocking Recipient of CAIR's 'Muslim of the Year' Award ([link removed]) A school teacher CAIR helped fight for the right to be an anti-Semite Read and Share ([link removed])
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Readers Write
Outrageous! The Washington Post Headline on Baghdadi ([link removed])
“A murder, rapist and torturerer. Good job, Mr. President.”
- R.A.J.
‘120+ Members of Congress’ Send Letters of Support to CAIR ([link removed])
“Why would they support an organization proven to support radical Muslim terrorists?”
- B.L.
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