Who’s in and who’s out? 

It’s day two of U.S. President Joe Biden's Summit for Democracy. But are the right countries at the table to defend against authoritarianism, fight corruption and promote human rights?  The World Justice Project’s Ted Piccone cross-checked the guest list with countries’ WJP Rule of Law Index performance on key summit themes and found some surprises. Check out his latest piece for the Brookings Institution: The awkward guests: Parsing the Summit for Democracy invitation list  

Protecting the independence of Supreme Audit Institutions

Rising authoritarianism is starkly reflected in the latest Rule of Law Index measurement of constraints on government powers.  This year, 70% of surveyed countries declined on this indicator. In this context, independent Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) have never been more critical to ensuring government accountability and strong anti-corruption controls. In the run up to the OGP Global Summit, the World Justice Project and INTOSAI Development Initiative will host “The Role of Supreme Audit Institutions in Advancing the Role of Law.” Please register to join us Monday, December 13.
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Let's talk about Poland & Hungary

As in the rest of the world, rule of law is slipping in Europe. Fourteen out of 20 EU countries scored lower on this year's World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index than the previous year. The biggest declines were in Poland (-2.4%) and the region's overall lowest performer, Hungary (-1.4%).  On Wednesday, December 15, RECONNECT will host "The Rule of Law in Europe: Insights from the 2021 Rule of Law Index." WJP's chief research officer and leading academics will dig into Index findings in Europe and the rule of law landscape in Poland and Hungary.
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