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Report Launch & Web Event

The Our Common Purpose report proposed enlarging the House of Representatives as its very first recommendation but left open the question of the precise number of seats that should be added. Last year, the American Academy convened a group of scholars and former congressional staff to debate the case for a bigger House and the pros and cons of different formulas for House expansion. The benefits of expansion and a bold new recommendation that would continue to grow the body over time are outlined in detail in this new full report.
In conjunction with the report launch, American Enterprise Institute (AEI) is hosting a live web event. Join to discuss how the size of the House of Representatives influences the functioning of our representative democracy.
Should the House of Representatives be Expanded?
Thursday, December 16, 2021  
10:00 - 11:15 AM PT / 1:00 - 2:15 PM ET




Young Americans Convene to Imagine the Future of American Democracy

Just 34% of young adults believe US democracy works
America’s young leaders are concerned about the future of American democracy. To better understand the challenges they perceive and how they propose to reinvent American democracy for the 21st century, the American Academy of Arts & Sciences and Washington University in St. Louis convened 50 young leaders from across the U.S. at the virtual Youth Agenda for American Democracy summit organized on November 12, 2021. Read more about the Summit and their affirmative agenda for strengthening our constitutional democracy.
We are thrilled to announce that two members of this group, Andrew Brennen and Bobbi Taylor, have been invited to represent the U.S. at a Youth Town Hall  at the White House’s global Summit for Democracy taking place today and tomorrow.

Upcoming Book Release

Miles Rapoport, Commission member and Senior Practice Fellow in American Democracy at the Harvard Kennedy School Ash Center, has co-authored a new book with E.J. Dionne Jr., 100% Democracy: The Case for Universal Voting, to be released in February 2022.

Thank You for Your Partnership in 2021

During this season, there is much to be thankful for, even amidst a challenging time for our democracy. It is a privilege to do this work and to partner with many of you to reinvent American democracy for the 21st century. Thank you for being a part of the OCP community, and we will see you in 2022!

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