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The team is working around the clock to organize folks across Pennsylvania to get better gun laws passed.

Our Executive Director, Adam Garber, was published in the Inquirer this week. He lent his expertise to the discussion around accountability when it comes to unsecured family guns. When we don't do our part, the dangers could be catastrophic.

Philadelphia Inquirer headline: op/ed from Adam Garber regarding safe gun storage laws

What happened in Michigan is horrific, and the sickening fact of the matter is it is going to happen again and again and again. History tells us that even more violence will ensue before we close out the year. 

Are you sick of it? We are too. Make a contribution right now, so we can stop this horrific violence.

Donate $25 now!

Millions of kids live in homes with unsecured guns. Gun violence, whether perpetrated by others or through gun suicide, remains a leading cause of death among American kids.

We’re active in a handful of counties across the Commonwealth, but we need to grow our team to ensure this victory. Will you help us to make that happen?

Your donation will be part of a loud and clear signal that we will not allow this violence to be normalized.

Chip in whatever you can afford, then share the link on social media. We have to get out the word.

Jeff Yurcan 
Director of Development


P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102

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