Campaign for Liberty is gearing up for one of our biggest fights ever, but we cannot do it without your continued help
and support. I was just handed this memo from our Director of Legislative Affairs:
Recent court decisions blocking President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates for healthcare workers,
federal contractors, and employers with over 100 employees are opening up major opportunities on the ground for pushback on vaccine mandates at the
state and local level. In addition, the U.S. Senate voted 52-48 to overturn the employer (more
than 100 employees) vaccine mandate using the Congressional Review Act. Even if this passes in the House, chances are very slim it would survive a
presidential veto. URGENT: H.R. 550, the Immunization
Infrastructure Modernization Act (national vaccine database) has already passed the House with 80 turncoat Republicans voting for it. The bill is in
the Senate and could be voted on at any time with the vote against the vaccine mandate used as a distraction.
From every indication, this bill is the backdoor to a national vaccine passport scheme and punishment for those
who haven’t received the experimental COVID shots and untold number of boosters. Continued
pressure and resources are needed to stop this dangerous bill before Majority Leader Chuck Schumer moves any closer to a vote.
-Heather D
Now that you’ve read Heather’s memo, please
sign your petition to your U.S. Senators AT ONCE to stop the national COVID vaccine database.
Big Pharma is making their big move in Congress, and it’s called H.R. 550.
They call it the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act.
I call it the beginning of the end of your right to medical privacy.
If this bill passes the U.S. Senate and lands on President Biden’s desk, it will be a devastating blow to medical freedom at
the worst possible time. Emboldened by the actions of big city mayors like Bill DeBlasio (D) in
New York City, the end run at creating a national vaccine database -- the backdoor to a national vaccine passport -- is here.
It’s no secret the Biden vaccination mandates for employers and employees are running into major roadblocks in the
courts, which is causing many employers to back down. That’s great news,
but creates more danger as Biden, Dr. Fauci, and their Big Pharma cronies will twist arms and call in favors to pass H.R. 550
through Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) Senate. To say Big Pharma has an army of lobbyists in D.C.
is an understatement. The Washington Post reported back in May, “There are
currently 1,270 registered lobbyists for pharmaceuticals and health products — more than two lobbyists for every member of Congress.” That army has been turned loose over H.R. 550, which passed Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) House with
the help of 80 Republican turncoats. Now we are in danger of this bill passing the Senate and
landing on Joe Biden’s desk at any time. You and I must act IMMEDIATELY.
Patriot, sign the petition AT ONCE to stop the federal
vaccine database in the Senate, before it goes to Joe Biden’s desk!  We are fighting the vaccine database and passport
schemes in Congress and at the local level, but we can’t do it without your help. Please rush a donation of $50, $150, $250, or more while we
still have time to stop this! What part of the U.S. Constitution
permits the federal government to require personal medical information about you and store it in a centralized repository?
There is a great opportunity to stop this horrible legislation in the Senate, but it could come up for a vote at
any time. Patriot, it’s a VERY HIGH priority right now because I truly believe
this is the backdoor to a nationwide vaccination passport system. And even if it
wasn’t, H.R. 550 is a total violation of medical and personal privacy and can be used to abuse and punish people who have opted
out of the experimental shot. Vaccine passports are not just a dangerous concept
anymore, they are here and being used to track millions of people in urban centers across America like New York City, San Francisco, and
Los Angeles. In a stunning move on Monday, outgoing New York City mayor Bill DeBlasio (D)
mandated COVID passports -- for everyone FIVE years old and above, just to enter a restaurant, a fitness facility, or an entertainment venue!
This is on top of DeBlasio’s mandate that every single employee at a private
business, no matter the number of employees, be vaccinated or risk exorbitant fines or even being shut down permanently.
There is little doubt a nationwide vaccine passport is the goal for Joe Biden, Dr. Fauci, and Big Pharma,
who stand to make untold amounts of money when their product becomes mandatory in all corners of this country.
But they have figured out they cannot achieve that without a nationwide vaccine database and Congress so far is going right along with
it. The bill sponsor of H.R. 550, Rep. Ann Kuster (D-NH), wants the federal
government to play a more active role in your health care. She thinks you need reminders from Big Brother so you won’t fall behind on your
shots. From RepublicBrief.com:
In a statement, the bill’s main
sponsor, Democrat Rep. Ann Kuster (NH), said the system would be used to “remind patients when they are due for a recommended vaccine” and
identify areas with low vaccination rates to “ensure equitable distribution of vaccines.” Notably, the bill has four Republican
co-sponsors: Reps. Larry Bucshon (R-IN), James Baird (R-IN), David McKinley (R-WV), and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA). Not one Democrat voted in opposition
to the bill. Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL), who was one of the 130 Republicans to vote
“no,” told Breitbart News exclusively on Wednesday that the legislation would enable the federal government to “track”
unvaccinated Americans who “will be targeted and forced to comply with Biden’s crazy ‘global vaccination’
vision.” Why was this so easy
to pass through the House?
It’s no secret Big Pharma is one of the biggest donors to members of Congress.
This is very critical! H.R. 550 passed the House with a steep majority,
which is why we at Campaign for Liberty are sounding the alarm! Patriot,
sign the petition AT ONCE to stop the federal vaccine database in the Senate, before it goes to Joe Biden’s desk!
We are fighting the vaccine database and passport
schemes in Congress and at the local level, but we can’t do it without your help. Please rush a donation of $50, $150, $250, or more while we
still have time to stop this! Don’t forget that Dr. Fauci and his health
tyrant counterparts in other nations are constantly pushing for tracking, tracing, and mandating the experimental COVID vaccination as a control on
the behavior of every person on the planet . . . including young children! This
is all a recipe for disaster for you and me! There is no doubt the battle for medical
freedom against the COVID tyrants will rage on through next year and beyond. The
dutiful compliance of many Americans has emboldened the very worst and most dangerous element of our society -- the
political class and their cronies. Their actions since March of 2020 have
created an unprecedented wave of tyrannical mandates which has destroyed lives and businesses. The damage done cannot be taken back.
The only way forward is to undo all the mandates as quickly as possible and hold those responsible for starting
the outbreak of the lab created COVID virus accountable. Instead, while good people are still
complying, the tyrants are pushing their agenda as quickly and recklessly as they can by destroying medical freedom,
potentially irreparably. Not only is the vaccination database scheme tyrannical, it’s also
dangerous! If bad actors in government or hackers got ahold of this data, they could
use it to “doxx” or “out” those who’ve opted out of getting the shot.
If the government continues to issue mandates, they will also punish you if you say, “no thanks” to the shots.
Your travel via airplane or even driving across state lines could be restricted. Your access to basic
necessities at the grocery store could be limited or even denied. No public transportation, no school for your kids, or even restricted from buying
gas (it’s happening in parts of the world already). And that’s just the beginning.
Despite the effective resistance by people who have banded together to resist the vaccine
mandates, the attempt to coerce EVERYONE rages on. H.R. 550, the Vaccination
Infrastructure Modernization Act, is the latest total abuse of the public.
Meanwhile, those who are responsible for COVID get praised endlessly on national television. If
you think certain states won’t comply, consider the fact that Arizona Governor Doug Ducey (R) has already been sending your data to the CDC,
through an executive order he signed in October of this year. More states are sure to follow --
unless you take action to stop it! With the Senate poised to pass H.R. 550, the time to act is
NOW. Sign the petition to your U.S. Senators demanding they
vote NO on H.R. 550 when it comes up for a vote. Once you do, please consider a donation of $50, $150, 0r
$250 to keep Campaign for Liberty in the fight for your medical freedom.
Patriot, I don’t want you to think it’s all bad news on this topic, but I see the danger that H.R. 550 poses.
We are seeing victories in federal courts against vaccination mandates as a condition of employment.
Big corporations are dropping their mandates as a result.
Let’s not let these victories be overshadowed and overtaken by H.R. 550 and the long-term disaster for privacy and
freedom it will create. Thank you for your dedication to winning this fight.
For Liberty,  Ron Paul, M.D. Chairman P.S. I
fear a federal vaccination database is about to land on Joe Biden’s desk. I need you to act now and sign your petition to stop H.R. 550.
Sign the petition to your U.S. Senators at once, before
it’s too late. Once you’ve done that, please consider a generous
donation. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here.
________________________________________________ The mission of
Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.