Hey team,

The Iowa caucuses are only three months away, so I wanted to break down a bit of what I know about what’s happening there right now.

I got my start in the central and western parts of Polk County in 2003 as an organizer for John Kerry, and I saw up close what makes the caucuses special -- it’s where I fell in love with this work and developed an incredible respect for a process like no other in our politics.

First, everyone needs to know that Iowans take their pivotal role in our nominating process seriously. They don’t make up their minds easily or quickly. So many of the folks I met took pride in candidate shopping, going out to hear them speak, and actually wanting to talk about it, even with a 23 year old kid from out of town who came knocking on their door. It does not surprise me in the least to know that a recent New York Times poll reported that two-thirds of likely caucus-goers said they could still be persuaded to change their minds.

It’s why we’ve invested so heavily in having folks on the ground, making real connections with Iowans and ensuring Cory wins the caucus. If you can, please chip in to help us do that.

Last night was the famous Liberty and Justice Celebration, an annual event where Iowa Democrats gather to hear from the candidates. Let me tell you: It is a celebration. The signs, the chants, the marches, the intensity -- it’s what democracy looks like if you could boil it down to pure energy and emotion. And it’s been known to be a turning point in the race.

That’s because it’s right around now that everything changes and starts to speed up. After a long summer, the leaves suddenly change color, drop to the ground, and it gets cold. For the organizers doing this work right now on the ground, every day of the next three months will feel like forever, but it’ll be over in a blink.

These organizers will build some incredible relationships in the weeks ahead. I was on a first-name basis with a lot of people in my turf and talked to many of them multiple times a week (and I still keep in touch with many of them). It’s a grueling, painstaking process that all culminates in the chaos and glory of Caucus Night when people make up their minds -- maybe even a few times.

I left Iowa knowing that, with the right candidate and the right team of organizers, nothing is impossible -- and everything can change on a dime. Well, you know how I feel about Cory Booker. And you should know that I believe our Iowa team is the best there is.

That’s why I wanted to write you today. When we send emails like this asking for a small donation to fund this work, it’s for those organizers in Iowa (and across the country -- I see you New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina) working their tails off to make an underdog candidate the next president of the United States.

I believe, and I want to help you see why. Will you chip in to help fund our team -- and give us a real shot to pull off something incredible?

Thank you for reading and, as always, for being on this team.


Addisu Demissie
Campaign Manager
Cory 2020


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