Hi John,

Tomorrow - 10th December - is Human Rights Day, This year’s theme relates to article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights." Unfortunately, millions of tiny human beings are never even allowed to be born - they are robbed of their dignity; robbed of their right to be free; robbed of their very right to life.

Please respond to our ACTION ALERT (see below) to contact the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission and demand they uphold the right to life of unborn babies. The right to life is the most fundamental right of all - without the right to life, all other rights are meaningless. Also tell the Human Rights Commission that the rights to freedom of expression and freedom of assembly must be upheld. If they refuse to protect these rights, then they must be disbanded.

The attacks on our rights to assembly and expression have not deterred us. Our peaceful pro-life Outreach continue outside the abortion centres in Northern Ireland. Come along any time and be a voice for the unborn babies.

Our weekly Street Outreach also continues this Saturday. Be a voice for the unborn by helping us collect signatures for our REPEAL SECTION 9 Campaign, and distribute our pro-life information. 

Give us a call on 02890278484 or email [email protected]

Best regards,

The Precious Life Communications Team
Human Rights Commission want more babies killed and pro-life people targeted as criminals

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Human Rights Commissioner must resign over support for criminalising Pro-Life People

Precious Life called for the resignation of Alyson Kilpatrick after she gave her support for a the pro-abortion bill to criminalise pro-life people

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Proposal by NI Health Minister would lead to same "Abortion Pill Horror" happening in Britain

More than 10,000 women in Britain required hospital treatment over side effects of so-called "DIY abortions. Yet a similar home abortion scheme is proposed for Northern Ireland by Health Minister Robin Swann.

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ACTION ALERT - Tell the NI Human Rights Commission to protect right to life of babies in the womb, and the rights of pro-lifers to freedom of assembly and expression outside the abortion centres

10th December is international "Human Rights Day," This year’s theme relates to article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights."

Unfortunately, millions of tiny human beings are never even allowed to be born - they are robbed of their dignity …their right to be free …their very right to life.

Contact the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission and tell them that their focus on the inherent dignity of each human life must include the inherent dignity of the life of a baby in the womb.

The right to life is the most fundamental right of all - without the right to life, all other rights are meaningless.

The UN Declaration on the Rights of the Child also states that every child needs special safeguards, care, and legal protection BEFORE BIRTH

The Commission must also uphold the rights of pro-life people to freedom of expression and freedom of assembly. These rights are protected under Articles 10 and 11 of the Human Rights Act.
You can contact the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission in various ways -

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 028 9024 3987

Facebook : www.facebook.com/nihrc

Twitter: twitter.com/nihrc

You can also write to them at:
Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
4th Floor Alfred House
19-21 Alfred Street


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