Some of the incredible House candidates fighting for us.

Turn on images to see 4 bold progressives we've endorsed for Congress.

Some may call this controversial, but Democrats and progressives do not have to be doomed in 2022 -- no matter what clickbait headlines are saying.

Last month, 72 of our Progressive Champions won the support of voters and were elected to state and local offices including mayors, city council members, and school board members. Many of these progressives won in battleground states.

Our diverse slate of progressive candidates for Congress will do the same next year if we're all in together.

Chip in here to support 6 bold progressive congressional candidates in 2022 who will fight for working people, healthcare, and climate justice -- not for lobbyists and big corporate CEOs.

These folks are exciting voters with campaigns focused on the real things we can do for working people and leading the way on issues like climate, labor rights, and healthcare. Five of the six are women of color:

Summer Lee (PA-18) is a Pennsylvania state legislator and dedicated organizer, activist, and advocate for social justice. Since taking office, Summer has been a voice for people across her district -- championing initiatives that support sustainable jobs, environmental responsibility, police accountability, and gender and racial equity. She is a tireless advocate for workers’ rights, union protections, and the fight for a liveable wage.

Attica Scott (KY-03) is a State Representative and was the first Black woman elected to the Kentucky General Assembly in more than two decades. In her time in the assembly, she brought 80 bills to the floor, including legislation banning no-knock warrants and banning discrimination against students who wear natural hairstyles to school. Scott is running to replace the retiring Rep. John Yarmuth and will fight for racial justice, Medicare For All, a Green New Deal, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, and more.

Tom Winter (MT-01) served in the Montana State House, is a current member of IBEW 206, and has been organizing in the Western Montana community for the last decade. Winter proved that Democrats can win in a +11 Trump district by organizing in their community and rooting a campaign in popular policies that empower and excite working families. Tom is a climate champion who supports a Green New Deal, an outspoken advocate for voting rights, and has a plan to tackle the opioid crisis by taking on Big Pharma in Washington.

Brittany Ramos DeBarros (NY-11) is an Afro-Latina Staten Islander who was raised in a military family and a progressive combat veteran who served in Afghanistan. She is running on a bold progressive platform of a Green New Deal, Medicare for All, affordable housing, Universal Pre-K, and a comprehensive approach to national security that leverages diplomacy and proactive cooperation.

Erica Smith (NC-02) has spent her life fighting for small communities and farmers -- while challenging CEOs, Wall Street bankers, and corrupt politicians. She is running in the area she grew up in and represented for years as a state legislator. In Congress, Erica will fight for higher wages, more rural hospitals, and expanding rural broadband -- and she is not taking corporate PAC or fossil fuel money. She will fight back against corporate monopolies that have hollowed out the communities in her district and across the country.

Jessica Cisneros (TX-28) is a human rights lawyer and proud daughter of Mexican immigrants who is running against Rep. Henry Cuellar, one of the nine House Democrats that fought for corporate interests and watered down Build Back Better. Cisneros will fight to pass progressive ideas and is a fierce advocate for Medicare For All, a Green New Deal, and fixing our broken immigration system. In 2020, she came within 4 points of unseating Cuellar.

Please chip in to support six 2022 House candidates who are committed to progressive values and will fight for working people in Congress -- not corporate CEOs.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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