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Dear Press Freedom Supporter,

This is the sixth straight year that CPJ has documented upward of 250 journalists behind bars in our year-end census. This year, we found at least 293 journalists imprisoned around the world, the highest number CPJ has ever recorded.

But this is why our work is so important. We document each journalist’s imprisonment and advocate on their behalf. We carry out annual “Free the Press” campaigns and raise the issue in meetings with government leaders. Each year, we honor an imprisoned journalist at our annual International Press Freedom Awards dinner.

Change takes time, but it does happen. This year, our advocacy helped win the release from prison of at least 101 journalists, the most we have ever helped free.

None of this would have been possible without your generous support. Thank you for continuing to stand with us while we fight to defend journalists from harm. Your contribution makes all the difference to us—and to them. Please consider making your year-end gift to CPJ today so we can continue to defend our brave colleagues all over the world.

Thank you.

Joel Simon
Executive Director

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Committee to Protect Journalists
P.O. Box 2675
New York, NY 10108 - United States