Friend: For decades, conservatives have waged an all-out assault on the private healthcare decisions of American women – supposedly in the name of “protecting life.”

Now their assault on reproductive freedom has reached the Supreme Court, where their challenge to Roe v. Wade has been heard by a right-wing majority who seem determined to roll back the clock to the 1950s.

I can’t help but be astounded by the blatant hypocrisy of conservatives’ supposed zeal for “the sanctity of life” when it involves controlling women’s bodies and their personal decisions – juxtaposed with their utter lack of regard for “the sanctity of life” in all other areas of American life.

Where was Republicans’ concern for life last week, when a young man stormed his school in Michigan and brutally killed four other students?

Where is their concern for life as a majority of Republicans in Congress work against President Biden’s lifesaving vaccine mandates, allowing COVID-19 to spread, mutate, and kill our population?

Where is their concern for life when year after year, session after session, they work to repeal the Affordable Care Act, hoping to make it more difficult for Americans to get medical care or prescriptions they need to live healthy lives?

As America’s children go to school, fearing for their lives, as more vaccine skeptics risk their own lives and the lives of others by not getting vaccinated, as millions of Americans still can’t afford healthcare, Republicans have the audacity to claim they “fight for life,” while they simultaneously block measures that would truly protect and save the lives of those they represent.

It makes me sick to my stomach, Friend. Enough with the hypocrisy. Enough with Republican obstruction of lawmaking that would save lives. They do not care about the lives of women, they just want to control and dominate the lives of women.

This is not “The Handmaid’s Tale.” This is America.

It’s time for concerned Democrats everywhere to expose the hypocrisy of the Republican Party. Speak out now: Do you think the GOP actually supports life?

Click here to make your voice heard and hold Republican lawmakers accountable for their hypocritical and blatant attacks on women’s reproductive rights. I need 1,629 more members of this team to speak out urgently before 11:59 p.m. tonight.

The Republican Party’s tacit endorsement of gun violence – while claiming to be the party that protects the sanctity of life – is stomach-churning. Their contempt for medicine and healthcare – whether it is vaccines, prescriptions, pre-existing conditions, or hearing aids and dental care for seniors – is nauseating. It’s all gone on for far too long. But we must resolve, always, to hold them accountable. To be the party that truly fights for and protects every American’s life. Thank you for doing your part.


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