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  Citizens' Climate Lobby and Citizens' Climate Education  

Dear John,

What a year! The Senate is now considering a price on carbon in the Build Back Better Act, which could be the largest climate package in U.S. history… and Citizens’ Climate has played a major role.

Will you help us keep up the momentum? Make a tax-deductible gift to Citizens’ Climate Education today.

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Citizens’ Climate believes everyday people — empowered with accurate information, effective training, and access — can move our government to take meaningful action. Since our founding, we’ve grown from a handful of chapters scattered across the country to a robust and powerful grassroots network of more than 210,000 supporters. So when Congress turned their attention to climate solutions this year, we were ready.

We ramped up existing grassroots efforts in pivotal states like West Virginia and Arizona with volunteer-driven phone and text banking. We organized broadcast media tours to amplify the voices of our volunteers. And, we launched digital education and media outreach campaigns aimed at key decision makers in Washington, D.C.

To get a carbon price and other important climate legislation across the finish line in 2022, we need to keep the pressure on Congress — which is why we need to raise $1.5 million by December 31st. Can we count on you to pitch in?

The future is already brighter because of your work. Thank you for everything you do.

In Gratitude,

Mark Reynolds
Executive Director
Citizens’ Climate Education/Citizens’ Climate Lobby

P.S. If you’ve already donated, thank you so much! Please help us spread the word by forwarding this message on to a friend.


501(c)(3) Citizens’ Climate Education (CCE) and 501(c)(4) Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) are sister organizations that complement each other in building political will for impactful climate solutions. Please note that donations made to CCE are tax-deductible, while donations made to CCL are not.

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