Fight the Squad's Hypocrisy. Pitch In >>

Fellow Conservative,

When will the Left's HYPOCRISY stop?

The Squad made it obvious they are desperate to punish me in their latest attempt to pull me from my Congressional committees. They will stop at nothing to silence Fearless Conservatives!

So, let us get this straight...

The Left has no problem letting Squad member Ilhan Omar sit on the Foreign Relations Committee while praising terrorists, and also paying her husband a million dollars in campaign funds.

They chose to ignore the fact that failed 3-month presidential candidate, Eric Swalwell, was "sleeping with the enemy" -- the notorious Chinese spy Fang Fang.

I wasn't elected because I'm politically correct; I was elected to fight for your freedoms and secure your rights, and that's what I promise to do.

And I will never, ever back down from calling out the Squad's B.S.!

While the Democrats play dirty Squad games, I will continue to focus on what truly matters to Americans, defending free speech and our 2nd Amendment rights!

Help me fight this crazy cancel culture. Please pitch in what you can right away -- $22, $50, or even $100. 

Lauren Boebert
Congresswoman, Colorado's 3rd District

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