John, I wanted to make sure that you saw the message from my team about Marjorie Taylor Greene’s repugnant plan to award Kyle Rittenhouse a Congressional Gold Medal. This is further proof that we need to do everything in our power to flip this seat. Read the note below, and click here to chip into my campaign to defeat Marjorie Taylor Greene! ----Begin forwarded message---- John, It’s hard to believe that Marjorie Taylor Greene’s vile beliefs could sink even lower, but she keeps finding a way. And now, she’s pushing for a Congressional Gold Medal to be awarded to Kyle Rittenhouse! Let’s not forget: Marjorie Taylor Greene is the same person who voted AGAINST a Congressional Gold Medal for the Capitol Police who served on January 6.
America deserves better than Marjorie Taylor Greene. We can’t afford another term of her bigotry in the halls of Congress. Let's get to work, -Stop QAnon
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