John -

The FINAL military spending bill (known as the NDAA) passed last night, and guess what! There are no red flag laws in it. Just like I told you there wouldn’t be. 

So why have so many on our own side misled you about it? Fundraising, mostly. They want to make you outraged because then you’ll click on their articles or donate money to their organizations.

It’s why you’ve heard the lie over and over again that I “voted for red flag laws.” It’s BS. 

Here’s the truth: I’m the only member of Congress to have introduced an anti-red flag law bill. It’s called HR 5417 - the Preventing Unjust Red Flag Laws Act - and you can read the bill here. In summary, my bill prevents all federal money from supporting any federal or state-led effort to implement red flag laws.

Watch out for the grifters, the performance artists, and the people who know how to say the right slogans to make you trust them or make you outraged. If it seems too good or crazy to be true, it usually is.

But you should support gun groups like the NRA that knew the truth and stood by the truth. They didn’t use the NDAA as an opportunity to extract more fundraising dollars from you. 

And if you want to support real conservative candidates, there’s no better place to start than Texas Reloaded. Wesley Hunt and Morgan Luttrell are ready to lead the fight in Washington against the Biden-Pelosi socialist agenda, but we need your help to send them there. These are two leaders who we can count on from Day One in Congress to protect our freedoms and stand up for our conservative values.
Thank you for standing with me.

In Service,
Former Navy SEAL and Congressman
Dan Crenshaw
Paid for by Dan Crenshaw for Congress