Folks —

Climate change is on Colorado’s doorstep — and it’s impossible to ignore.

From year-long droughts to smoky summer days from wildfires, climate change is taking a toll on our crops, our homes, and our health. It’s especially notable as Denver residents like me head into the winter without seeing snow since April — a new record.

I’m proud of all the great climate provisions that were included in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill that President Biden recently signed into law. The bill makes much-needed investments to help America transition to clean energy, protect Coloradans from worsening wildfires, and expand the use of electric vehicles.

It’s the largest climate bill ever, and that deserves celebration. But we must go further. Congress needs to act swiftly to reduce our carbon emissions, create green energy jobs, and invest in clean energy sources of the future like wind and solar.

If you’re with me, please add your name to my petition demanding that Congress take action to address climate change now. We can’t afford to wait any longer.


Thanks for making your voice heard on this.

