When the corporate press urges the left to move to the center; fails to factcheck myths about migration; perpetuates classism, sexism, racism and transphobia; and falsely equates unequal arguments, FAIR sets the record straight.
It’s this kind of truth-telling and media activism that your donations support. We couldn’t do it without you.
This year, FAIR celebrated its 35th anniversary. It’s rare for a small, progressive nonprofit to last 35 years. But through the crises and uncertainties of the past few years, our generous and loyal supporters have carried us through. Because of you, we’ve been able to offer the same critical, thorough and informative work you’ve expected of us since 1986.
We need your support to continue publishing our studies and analyses, printing Extra! and keeping CounterSpin playing on the more than 100 local and college stations that air it nationwide. This year, we're planning to expand our reach to spread awareness about the value of media literacy. We hope to never stop galvanizing people to demand accurate and thorough reporting from the media they consume.
As a thank-you for your donations, we’re offering two gifts: The first is FAIR’s special edition 35th anniversary T-shirt, union-made in the US. Donate $35 or more to receive!
The other is a tote bag, made from eco-friendly material by a vendor affiliated with the Fair Labor Association. On one side is FAIR’s logo. The other side reads, “Corporate news: Rich people paying rich people to tell middle-class people to blame poor people.” This durable and handy tote allows you to take FAIR’s message with you wherever you go. Donate $20 or more to receive.