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Hi friend,

This year we set the most ambitious target yet for the Big Give Christmas challenge.

We reached it!

With help from supporters like you, we raised £35,000 which has been doubled thanks to generous match funding, unlocking more than £70,000 for the year ahead. 

If you missed the opportunity to have your funding doubled, you can still donate.

Thank you, this is incredible!  

We’re small in size but big in impact, and we have ambitious plans for next year. 

We’ve achieved a lot, but world leaders and finance ministers of rich countries have failed to do enough to help lower-income countries fight the debt crisis and the UK government needs to take concrete action to address household debt in our communities.

Thanks to you, and hundreds of supporters like you, next year we can hold them to account, and really make change happen. 

We’re so thrilled! Thanks once again, and we hope you remain safe and well during this time. 

All the best,

Heidi, Eva, and the whole Jubilee Debt Campaign
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